If you worry that medication might be missed or too much or too little will be taken, or if you spend hours sorting through pills, or worry that a carer isn't qualified to administer the correct dose, there are plenty of resources that can help.
PillTime is a service that packages prescriptions into daily pouches and delivers them to the door. Pouches are labelled with the dose, date, and time to be taken. The service is registered with the General Pharmaceutical Council and is funded by the NHS, so there are no extra fees.
You can register on a family members behalf and, if necessary, add vitamins and supplements. It saves time, reduces confusion, and makes it easier to take medication when away from home.
Provided that the GP is in England and more than four prescribed tablets are taken each day, then PillTime just might be solution you need.
Medication dispensers
If you are worried about the wrong medication being taken and at the wrong time there are lots of helpful products;
- simple pill boxes
- dispensers with flashing lights and alarms which release pre-dosed tablets from locked compartments
- reminder watches, tablets and aids with voice prompts.